The option of "Creation of invoices" allows the creation and sending of invoices for free, as well as their management: modification, viewing and deletion. This option requires identification by the user.

Identification by the user

How to create and send an electronic invoice

The first thing to do is Create a draft invoice. When we click on the button to create the draft, the tool shows the tabs of the main blocks that are required to create an invoice:

  • General data : we will find the "header" data of any invoice.
    • Issuer of the invoice
    • We are the recipient of the invoice
    • Invoice number
    • Invoice date
    • others
  • Lines: in this section, the details of an invoiced item, service or concept are specified. Contains important information such as product or service description, quantity, unit price, and total for that line. Invoice lines are used to break down the costs or charges associated with each item included in an invoice.
  • Charges and discounts:
    • Charges: Charges are amounts that are added to the cost of a product or service on an invoice. Charges are usually shown as a positive amount and are added to the subtotal of the invoice to determine the final total to be paid. It appears in the Invoice Summary.
    • Discounts: Discounts, on the other hand, are reductions or deductions applied to the original cost of a product or service on an invoice. Discounts are expressed as a fixed amount. Discounts are subtracted from the invoice subtotal to calculate the final total payable. It appears in the Invoice Summary.
  • Payment dates : is the deadline by which the payment is expected to be made. More than one payment date (due date) can be defined. The total of all due dates must match the total of the invoice.
  • Summary: This section provides a complete summary of the total invoice calculations. This section is important because it provides a clear overview of the costs and payments related to the business transaction

Full Summary

You are not allowed to save the draft invoice if all the required data has not been completed or if the draft contains errors. If the draft has errors or missing mandatory data, the fields in error and also the tab will be marked in red, so that you can identify it.

Issuer of the invoice

Before creating the invoice, we must register the issuer of the invoice. Issuers are registered in the " My account " -> "Issue data" section

Note : The e-FACT Mailbox is for national individuals/legal entities. If you do not have NIF or CIF you can use other solutions for creating electronic invoices .

In the issuer dropdown, you will need to choose, from among the issuers we have registered, which is the issuer of the invoice we want to create.

Recipient of the invoice

To indicate who will be the recipient of the invoice, simply choose the entity that will receive the invoice in the " Recipient entity " field.

By indicating 3 of the letters that identify the entity, a list will be displayed with all those entities that contain the 3 reported letters.

Once the entity receiving the invoice has been selected, we must select the DIR3 codes, which correspond to the coding system used to identify administrative units and other public administration entities. Specifically, we have to choose:

  • The accounting office
  • The managing body
  • The processing unit

To choose the DIR3 codes of the administrative unit to which we address the invoice, click:

And a new window will be displayed with the list of DIR3 codes defined by this entity.

Select the row that defines the unit to which the invoice should be addressed, and this row will be the one that will be loaded into the draft invoice:

NOTE: An entity may not have DIR3 codes defined in e-FACT. At the moment, the e-FACT service does not return any errors and accepts an invoice without the DIR3 codes of the entity, but soon they will be mandatory.

How to make a corrective invoice

In the General Data tab, in the "Invoice data" block, select from the "Type of document" drop-down: Rectifying invoice

The " Invoice data to be rectified " block will be displayed, which contains the necessary data to be able to rectify an invoice.

How to include the order number

In the General Data tab, clicking on "Additional data" will display the complete block of additional data that an invoice can contain. In this block, we will find the field to inform the order number.

How to include the file number

In the General Data tab, clicking on "Additional data" will display the complete block of additional data that an invoice can contain. In this blog, we will find the field to report the file number to which the invoice is associated.

How to include legal texts

In the General Data tab, clicking on "Additional data" will display the complete block of additional data that an invoice can contain. In this blog, we will find the field to report legal texts or legal references.

How to include general comments

In the General Data tab, clicking on "Additional data" will display the complete block of additional data that an invoice can contain. In this blog, we will find the field to indicate certain general information that you want to transfer to the entity.

How to enter invoice lines

Once we have informed the " General data " of the invoice, it is necessary to inform the details of the concepts to be invoiced. It will be necessary to create as many lines as different concepts to be invoiced.

For each line, you must report:

  • Concept for what you want to bill for
  • quantity
  • Units of measure
  • Unit price
  • Taxes that apply to this concept (21%, 10%, 4% or 0%)
  • Gross amount, which is obtained from Quantity x Unit Price

  • You must include as many details as Concepts correspond to the invoice
  • By clicking on the icon found in each line, you can report the additional data per line: order, file and delivery note:

Can different tax rates be included on the same invoice?

Yes, each of the details allows you to select the tax rate that corresponds to it.

In the Summary tab we can see the totals classified by tax type:

Include the IRPF and "Equivalence Surcharge" on the invoice

In the Lines section, you can report both the Personal Income Tax and the Equivalence Surcharge (RE) corresponding to each line of the invoice.

Include the delivery note number on the line

For each of the invoice lines defined in the "Lines" tab, by clicking on the icon , the data of the references of the lines can be reported, including the delivery note.

Include the order number on the line

For each of the invoice lines defined in the "Lines" tab, by clicking on the icon , the reference data of the lines can be reported, including the order number.

It does not need to be included in the line if it is already reported in the general data, unless the line has a different order number than the one reported in the general data.

Include the file number on the line

For each of the invoice lines defined in the "Lines" tab, by clicking on the icon , the data of the line references can be reported, including the file number.

You do not need to include it on the line if it is already reported in the general data, unless the line has a different case number than the one reported in the general data.

How to include negative amounts

In each of the lines, the final sign of the gross amount is set by the sign of the unit price. For an invoice to have a negative sign, the sum of the gross amounts of the lines must be negative.

Charges and discounts on the invoice

To report a charge or discount concept on the invoice, go to the " Charges and discounts " tab, and add as many charges and/or discounts as are necessary to include in the invoice.

To report a charge or discount, you must indicate:

  • Description (of the charge or discount)
  • Amount (in € of the charge or discount)

Charges and discounts apply to the entire invoice, and are applied to the total net amount. The "Summary" will show the invoice totals including the charges and discounts applied.

Payment methods available

Only the following forms of payment can be sent, available in "Payment details"

If you select " Transfer " as a form of payment, you must complete the IBAN or bank account where the transfer is to be made.

How to make an invoice with several due dates

In the "Payment data" tab, you can add all the due dates agreed with the recipient to make the corresponding payments.

The sum of all due dates must correspond to the total of the invoice.