Invoices can be sent from the Shipping options:

Shipping option within e-FACT

How to send invoices

If you already have the invoice file (in xml or xsig format) and you just want to send it to the recipient public administration, select the "Upload and send invoices" option and then:

  • Please provide an email address for e-FACT to notify you of invoice status changes.
  • Include the invoice using the "+ Add invoices" button. You can add up to 100 invoices.
  • If you need to attach annexed documentation to the invoice, you can add it with the Add annexes option in the Actions section
  • You must also check the " I'm not a robot " option to indicate that sending the invoice is not an automated process.
  • Finally press Send.

How to check the status of a sent invoice

You can check the status of invoices sent in Consulta

Inquiry section

If you access the invoice query "Without authentication", it will be a query of only one invoice where you will need to know certain information about the invoice:

If you access the Invoice Inquiry with certificate, you will be able to see all your invoices.

Consult the Units Directory (DIR3 Codes)

This screen is accessed by selecting the "Directory" option, and allows the consultation of the codes of the administrative units of each entity, the DIR3 codes

The DIR3 codes are three codes that are respectively assigned to: Managing Body, Processing Unit and Accounting Office of a public entity. At the moment, in Catalonia they are not necessary to be able to issue an electronic invoice to the Public Administration, but soon, these codes will be necessary to be able to issue invoices.

You can search by any of the fields that make up the DIR3 code: Accounting office, Managing body and/or Processing unit, and by clicking the Search button

(This query is an example)