How can you check the status of an invoice?

You can check the status of invoices sent in Consulta


If you access the "Without authentication" invoice query, it will be a query of only one invoice where you will need to know certain information about the invoice, specifically:

- Invoice number (with or without separators, as it appears on the invoice)
- NIF/CIF of the issuer (with or without ES, as it appears on the invoice)
- CIF of the receiver (with or without ES, as it appears on the invoice)
- Invoice amount (VAT included) (without thousands separator)


Attention! We recommend that you report the exact content you entered in the xml. Below is the field correspondence with the invoice:

  • Invoice number: Facturae/Invoices/Invoice/InvoiceHeader/InvoiceNumber
  • NIF/CIF of the issuer: Invoices/Parties/SellerParty/SellerParty/TaxIdentification/TaxIdentificationNumber
  • CIF of the receiver: Invoices/Parties/SellerParty/BuyerParty/TaxIdentification/TaxIdentificationNumber
  • Invoice amount (VAT included): FActurae/Batch/TotalAmount/TotalExecutableAmount

Once these fields are completed and I press the button "Search" the query is performed and the history of states through which the specified invoice has passed is displayed. In this way, if the invoice has been correctly delivered to the administration, the information corresponding to the entry of the invoice is detailed, among others.

If you access the Invoice Inquiry "With authentication" , you will be able to see all your invoices. You will need to authenticate yourself with a digital certificate that contains the document included in the invoice to be consulted: if the invoice was issued with a DNI, you will need to authenticate with a digital certificate of a natural person that contains the DNI; if the invoice has been issued with a CIF, it will be necessary to authenticate with a digital certificate of Representative that includes this CIF.


On the other hand, you can also check the status of your invoice through the e-mail address you indicate when you send the invoice through the delivery mailbox of the receiving Administration. Status changes that this invoice experiences will be sent to this address.

Attention! In the event that you do not see the "Registered" status, this indicates that the invoice has not been registered by the receiving Administration. If the invoice does not pass the validation of the electronic signature or the invoice is not accepted by the administration for commercial reasons, the delivery box will indicate the status of "Rejected" and the reason for the rejection. Likewise, it is the responsibility of the issuer of the invoices to check the status of the invoices.

NOTE : Once the invoice is sent to e-FACT it is immediately loaded into the application, however, it may take a few minutes for this search to return results. Keep this fact in mind, before forwarding the invoice since in this case, it may be duplicated.

What do the e-invoice statuses reported by e-FACT mean?

Below you can see the states that an invoice can go through from the moment you send it to the recipient, and that you can view through the status query in the delivery mailbox. As well as the states that will be notified to you by email as the issuer of an invoice, which will be the minimum states required by law. In case of integration or consultation via web/WS, you will also receive the non-mandatory ones.

The states that can be transmitted by the receivers , ideally sequentially and successively, for each of the invoices deposited in the Public Administrations attached to e-FACT are the following:

state Description Is this status reported to the sender by email?


The e-FACT service has made the invoice available to the computer systems of the receiving administration and has passed the automatic validations of the e-FACT No. This is not a mandatory status.
REGISTERED INVOICE The Electronic invoice has been received at the general invoice entry point e-FACT and has been administratively registered, providing a registration number to the supplier. Yes.
INVOICE DELIVERED The invoice has been collected from the e-FACT Service by the computer systems of the receiving administration. No. This is not a mandatory status.
INVOICE REGISTERED IN RCF The electronic invoice has been received and registered in the invoice accounting register of the recipient accounting office. Yes.
INVOICE RECEIVED AT DESTINATION The electronic invoice has been received by its management unit. No. This is not a mandatory status.
CONFORMED INVOICE The service or supply associated with the invoice has been validated. No. This is not a mandatory status.
PAYMENT OBLIGATION ACCOUNTED The payment obligation derived from the invoice has been recognized. Yes.
The payment obligation derived from the invoice has been fulfilled. Yes.
INVOICE REJECTED The invoice has been rejected. The reason for rejection can be technical reasons, which prevent the delivery of the invoice to the user (generated automatically by the computer systems), or it can be the receiving body that rejects the invoice for commercial reasons. The electronic invoicing management applications available to users must allow the generation of this status, enabling the user to enter the reason for rejection. Whenever a rejection occurs, either for technical or commercial reasons, this status must be generated.

For more information see: What are the main technical denial of service error codes e-FACT

Yes. The publication of this status is mandatory whenever an incident is detected with the invoice that prevents its processing.
VOID INVOICE The accounting office or processing unit accepts the request to cancel the electronic invoice, presented by the supplier. No. This is not a mandatory status.

What does "Rejected Invoice" mean?

If you check the status and your invoice appears as “Rejected invoice”, it means that the invoice will not continue with the processing process.

The rejection can originate for two reasons, commercial or technical.

  • Commercial reasons:
    • What happened? The entity receiving the invoice does not agree with its content and has rejected it, indicating the reason for the rejection. In this case the invoice will appear as "Registered" previously.
    • Solution: contact the entity to which you are sending the invoice to find out why it has rejected it.
  • Technical reasons:
    • What happened? It has been the electronic invoice platform that has not automatically accepted the invoice.
    • Solution: Check the major rejection codes to see what the error is and how to fix it.
Information about paying bills
If you need information about when the payment of an invoice will take effect or about any issue related to payment, you need to contact the destination administration to which the invoice was addressed. If you don't know where to go, you can find the contact on their website. In the following links you can consult the electronic headquarters of the different bodies of the Catalan administration:
- Generalitat and its dependent bodies: Electronic invoice support for suppliers of the Generalitat:
- Web addresses of town councils, regional councils, deputations (Local bodies)
- Web addresses of public and private universities

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